Blue Horizon

Blue Horizon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Basking in the Georgetown Sun

"Lake" Victoria
May 28, 2009

May 26, 2009: We took the dinghy inside Lake Victoria through the narrow opening which only dinghies can access, docking by the Exuma Market.  I made arrangements for us to receive a shipment of mail later in the week.   We explored the rest of Georgetown and  we walked completely around Lake Victoria which is really a pond. I found two laundries 
and we found varying prices of ice from $3.00-4.50 for 10 lbs. We also found a second grocery store about the same size as Exuma Market.  There were several internet places but the best bargain was for $5/day in a green shack.  It also advertised computer repairs and other office services.  There was also a Straw Market
selling hats, T-shirts and trinkets. We had leisurely lunch at the Peace and Plenty Hotel after our walk, but a rainstorm kept there for a while. The conch chowder was excellent;  the Pina Coladas were great again. Marilyn and I "dressed " for dinner.  We had steak, salad and a nice bottle of Pinot Noir wine.  The sunset was beautiful as was the lightning far away. 

May 27, 2009:  We had rain overnight and awoke to it this morning.  It just didn't seem to want to stop.  Finally about 1100 we pulled up the anchor in the rain and moved over in from of the Peace and Plenty Hotel so we would not have as long a dinghy ride to get Marilyn and her luggage to shore to catch her plane.  The rain finally stopped and the sun was coming out as we got marilyn to shore.  We ate lunch again at the Peace and Plenty, saw Marilyn to her cab and on her way to the airport.  We walked around a bit more checking out where we had to go to get diesel for the boat.  The "marina" , used loosely in this case, did not even currently have any diesel.  They hope to have a shipment arrive this weekend.  If not, we have enough to get back to Staniel Cay or Sampson Cay if necessary.   Then it was back to the boat for cocktails and dinner. 
May 28, 2009: No rain overnight and sunny skies today.  I did all our laundry today.  Then we went back to the boat, changed to swim suits and went across the harbor to the"Chat and Chill" which is on the beach at Stocking IS.  We ate burgers under the palm trees, waded in the beautiful blue waters and relaxed, visiting with others there "chilling out".  We were basking in the sun and shade of Elizabeth Harbor/ Georgetown and Stocking IS.   

I want to apologize for some of the errors in my postings. When I  "publish" the post, the blogger sometimes splits words in the middle and leaves partially blank lines.  While we are out of the country, I don't have unlimited MB of internet use to continually correct my postings. Please bear with us.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom, if you want me to do any editing, let me know :)
